Saturday 21 May 2011


With the close of my AI BSc in sight, I've started making plans for what's going to happen afterward. I'm not having a ceremonial graduation because I'm a cheapskate, and likely to have been bored to death by it.

Exams are on 24th, 27th and 30th of this month, and I'm actually fairly ready for them.
I've been looking through job offers and telephoning around, have had a couple of phone interviews and been talking with agents. The most promising position so far, is for a python/javascript/django developer in London.
After I started searching for jobs, I anticipated a move would be necessary, but it's a fair way away from Aberdeen.

Onward and upward...

On the 27th, I've got a phone interview with another company who may want me for a Java role, accompanied by a coding test over a collaborative text editor. For that, I'm pretty damned nervous in all honesty.

I've had an interview for the first company already, which went pretty damned well. They've now invited me down for a face-to-face interview on the 31st - a day after my last exam. It's probably going to end up being on a plane or an overnight train.

I didn't manage to make the ARM position, not sure why.

Ah, well...

Not much time lately for messing about - I've been studying my arse off for the coming exams, specifically my 'Computer Games AI' course, a lot of the material is shared with my Higher exam, back in secondary school.

There was also a period when it felt likely that I'd get a position in France, so I decided to crash-study French. It was easier than I thought, and I found myself to be potentially very good at languages. Sadly, I've forgotten most of what I learned that day. I'll get back to it at some point.


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