Friday 22 April 2011

Work work work

Just finished a large lump of code for my university group project's data-extraction job.
The data for 1500-odd laptops has left the HTML and is now in MySQL INSERT queries, ready to be loaded into the database. This part will surely expose some small flaws in my processing. But not for tonight, though.

Still not much closer to pulling a nifty AI-demonstrating scenario out of my arse for the 12th of May, when I must have a working implementation, lest I lose 12.5% of my mark for CS3516.
After the database is built, I'll be able to devote time to that, before the big holidays.

Had my Haskell assignment due in today and completely forgot about it. It's been done for over a month, as well. Ffs, I've even helped a mate do this one... bet he didn't forget to hand his in on time.
Not sure exactly how much it's worth. maybe 10% of my final mark, maybe more :\
Ah well...

ARM are still taking their sweet time with my application, not a titter yet. Starting to get paranoid gmail is somehow broken. 

After all this crap with deadlines, BASH, Ruby, HTML and regular-expressions, I now intend to thoroughly chill out. That is, if I don't get lured away from sleeping by some interesting thing which I must, must, must, read about.

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